Monday, November 18, 2013

We like to climb stairs

Sloan is a BIG fan of stairs. Here are some of her latest antics at Uncle Richard's house in Bridgehampton.

Monday, October 28, 2013


There are so many posts we need to catch up on lately - our trip to California, Sloan's Halloween cuteness, the construction we did on our apartment back in the summer (!!). But for now, a quick video Barry took at the park:

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Friday, September 13, 2013

1 year milestones

At Sloan's one year appointment, her stats were:
Weight: 16.3 lbs (5% - so proud!)
Height: 28.5 inches (21%)
Head: 17.4 inches (27%)

Our little girl is setting records and just tearing up the charts these days! Something else she is tearing up is the floor...she is all. over. the. place. Ever since our trip to California (blog post coming soon), she has really taken to walking - while holding on of course. I got a quick video the other day I wanted to post - it shows her walking with her walker, waving, and then a few crawls. She has the funniest crawl - she uses her left knee, but right foot - she looks like a crab. But, it works!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Year 1 Adventures

Well, Sloan's first year has come and gone...
It is hard to believe just one year ago she was a little 3lb, 1 oz peanut, but here we are - at almost 16 lbs, and still just as feisty on day 365 as she was on day 1. We are so proud of the wonderful, beautiful, awesome, amazing child she is becoming. Each morning she welcomes us with a smile (now with one tooth!), and fills our days with genuine happiness and joy.

At one year, she loves her touch and feel books, puffs (any flavor!), dogs, swinging, yogurt, and waving at absolutely anyone.

Here are some photos from her 1st birthday party last weekend. She had so much fun and loved almost every second (minus the cupcake).

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Helmet Schedule

Better late than never I suppose. 
I do this every year, but try to get to it earlier than this. If anybody wants it - here is this year's Jean Short Helmet Schedule! Click for larger image. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Birthday Season

Most of the other Moms I know here in the city I met at the NYU New Mom Class. It was a really special group that our hospital offered - and I can't believe that ADINGRUP hasn't mentioned it until now (to be fair, I talked about a reunion here). I don't know how I would have made it through the first few months without the support of the other new moms. We all had the same questions, granted at various times, but it was a great relief that everything we could possibly be going through - other were experiencing it too. 

Well as you can imagine, since we were all new moms at the same time, our kids are all starting to turn one! Just a few weeks ago, Sloan got to attend her very first birthday party thanks to her friend Lulu! Happy Birthday Lulu!! 

Sloan's ride to the party.

As soon as we got there the kids just wanted to crawl around and explore the new space. In the photo below, Lulu is in the background in the red outfit. Lulu is 50th%, Oli - in the middle - is the 98th %, and Sloan is now in the 2nd %. If you have a one year old, chances are your kid is somewhere between these three. 

 After about an hour, we got tired of chasing the babies around the apartment so we corralled them in Lulu's crib. All of the adults started laughing, so of course the babies thought it was SO AWESOME. Here is Sloan, Oli, and their friend Alexander who is just over 1.


Birthday girl and her parents, Ben and Anna 

Somebody enjoyed their first birthday party! 

Water Bug

You'll recall that Sloan was taking swimming classes at the local Y. I call them 'classes' and not 'lessons' because at this age, it is really just about getting used to the water and being around other babies. We are both very proud of how well she did during the 10 week semester. There was only one class that she really lost patience and did not want to be there. In general, she is such a little water bug and really took to it. She loved floating on her back, splashing, and really took a liking to a little blue boat she'd "chase" at the end of each class.

Yes, the swim caps were mandatory. Even for our bald baby...

Proof that I did one of the classes 

Practicing 'reach and pull' 
The blue boat

Another one of her favorite times was the Humpty Dumpty drill...

The picture below was too funny not to add. The class was at 9am every Saturday - which was horrible planning on our part, because she goes down for a nap everyday around 8:15. So, on Saturday's we'd change her, bundle her up, and place her in the stroller for her morning nap, then wake her up at the Y. I took this picture one of the last weeks - we went through our normal routine, but this Saturday she did not feel like napping. I took her outside early and strolled her around thinking it would make her go to sleep. As you can see, it did not. She kept grabbing the stroller shade and peeking at me. She thought it was the funniest. thing. ever.

The only thing she wasn't so keen on was going under water. But then, to her credit, most of the babies weren't. They did a drill where you push/pull the babies through the water while counting to 3; then on 3 you would duck their head under water for a second, pull them up and smile and cheer as big as you could!. Let me tell you, that did not fool these kids one bit. As soon as you would hold them out, pull them backwards and say 'Onnneeeee', the kids lost it. They would all start squirming, you could see the fear in their eyes and they would cry out. It was pretty funny to watch (in the nicest way possible).

By the last class Sloan was much better at it, but it was definitely her least favorite time of class.

Despite her apprehension, Sloan earned her Baby Beluga diploma and is now officially our little water bug!

Before the first class
After the last class


There are quite a few posts coming your way, as we are way behind this summer. Life has sped up, and seems to take more hands that it used to. Leaving me less time and ability to type up entertaining blog posts...
Nothing screams summer more than BBQ, and nothing says 'Summer is here!' in New York more than the annual Big Apple BBQ Festival. It was one of my very first blog entries, and also one of the only repeat obviously this year was no different! Well, one thing was different - Sloan was with us!

BBQ deliciousness 


This is how our friend Heath plays with Sloan (notice how far away he holds her!)

Dad and daughter 

our set up 

Uncle Russ is SO FUN! 

NYC Fam 
 Sloan spent the majority of the day being passed from person to person, but managed to get in some quality time with a water bottle - she pushed it back and forth across the blanket with her mouth...over and over and over again. It was pretty hilarious! By the time the day came to a close, she was exhausted. This picture was taken one whole block from the park...

Tuckered Out. 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Onto The Next Adventure...

Lydia Ann "Nana" Annis
1927 - 2013

In early May, not long after my mom returned home from her Sloan-watching duties, my grandmother  passed away. She had been in declining health for the past several months and was living with my parents in Springfield so her passing, though not a surprise, was sad. 

I made it back to Kansas City for the services and in a most surprising turn (but not too surprising if you are familiar with Missouri weather), it snowed on the day of her visitation. It was May 2nd. I think it was part of Nana's way of telling is it was time to move on and she was ready to go. I'm pretty sure she always hated snow. 

The service was very nice and many of the grandchildren and of course, her three daughters, said something about her life to the group that had gathered to celebrate it. Below is my eulogy from the day and I'm proud to share it on this blog.


Last Tuesday, I was in London for business. I left the last event early, around 10 pm, and took the tube back to my hotel.

Coming off the train that night I saw hundreds of people at the bars in Canary Warf. They were laughing, talking, drinking. I'd had a really long day but something said I should stop into one of these places, by myself, to get a drink and just be with humanity for a minute or two before going back to my hotel room and packing for my flight home in the morning.

I got a beer. Nothing special. I sat outside where it was unseasonably warm and enjoyed the atmosphere on the banks of the Thymes. Nana was with me.

After a few minutes I went back to my hotel room and dialed my mom's cell. No answer. So, in typical sequence, I called my dad. He answered and I knew. Nana had passed away at 10:45 pm London time. Just about the time I finished my drink.

Nana, as her friends called her, did not have the easiest life but that's not to say she didn't enjoy it. She taught me how to water ski, keep those knees in the sunshine, liked being outdoors and spending time with friends and especially family.

All of us grandkids have something special we remember about her. For me, it's her never ending trust and confidence in every challenge I took. Whether it was venturing over the crest of 71st Terrace toward Ward Parkway on a walk, starting a business, getting up on two skis at Table Rock Lake behind a 35-horsepower pontoon boat or trying to make her and Papa a Manhattan. That's 2 jiggers bourbon, 1 jigger vermouth and 3 jiggers water, top with ice. Bitters aren't necessary.

I'll miss her smile, her encouragement and her love for me and my family. Sloan, my daughter, was very lucky to have been held by her and Kerri and I are forever grateful that she was at our wedding. 

Regardless of how all of our families changes and grow over the years, Nana will be with us.

But, as we all do, I know she's in a better place. One with no pain and no stress. She's likely enjoying a drink on the patio with Papa. Maybe having a burger and fries because in Heaven, it's always Friday.

She taught me the value of being frugal, being dedicated to a cause and loving your family. I want to thank my mom and dad for holding high those same values and for being with her in the final days and assuring her comfort through her transition to Heaven.

Nana was loved and she knew it. She loved each of us the same and wanted nothing but the best for each of us. Our families will get bigger and better over the years but we should always know and teach that we are stronger because of we were lucky enough to have Ann Annis in our lives.

I love you, Nana. Thank you for everything and we will see you on the other side.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Grandma comes to town...

Sloan got a special treat in the middle of April with Grandma came to look after her for a few days. I was on the road for some work travel (LA, to be specific) and Vanessa (our nanny) was enjoying a vacation in Japan. It was a great chance for Sloan and my mom to spend some time together.

Here are some pics from her trip to NYC...

Couch time

Food training

Grandma showing off the city

There's a big world out there

Now let's go get it!
Big thank you to my mom for coming up for the week. It was great to have her in town and I know Sloan loved having her here.

Friday, May 10, 2013


My friend Erin lives downtown, so I asked her to capture these photos for me this morning. The left is of WTC 1 (aka Freedom Tower) before they put the spire on it. The right is as they were bolting it on. I bet there were people on the streets cheering as they walked to work. 

Adventures in warm weather with a baby

We are finally having consistently nice weather up here. It has taken forever, but High's are now averaging in the 60's daily. Today is a balmy 79, so Sloan and I headed outside during lunch.

We've figured out the best parks to go to for swings (Union Sq), lawns (Mad Sq), or playgrounds (Wash Sq). Pretty sure swinging is Sloan's second favorite thing besides thumb-sucking and general squirming.

Here are a few more swing pictures from the past few weeks -

Finally, a quick picture that our nanny Vanessa took of her after her first nanny play date:


Friday, April 26, 2013

Adventures in Tight Spaces

I should have posted this forever ago, but time got away from me. Here is a look at Sloan's little spot in our tiny NYC 1 BR apartment. There is a small space between our bathroom and bedroom, underneath the stairs to the is all Sloan's!

The Sloan banner was a decoration at my NY shower, and it matched the poster so well I asked for the extra fabric. My mom was able to make a bedskirt, changer cover and skirt to pull it all together!


Friday, April 19, 2013

Just Because

I ordered the cutest little outfit from Gap, but unfortunately it fits her now so I don't think she'll be able to wear it this summer. I kept it on her long enough to take a few photos though!

Hi world!

And finally, I couldn't resist including this one. This is her favorite hobby.

7 to 8 Months

Happy 8 months to this cute little face!
This is a big milestone for me because it also marks 6 months, adjusted.
A few fun facts about Sloan's development:

  • We think she is almost 14 lbs, and is finally in her 6 month clothes though some of her footies are still 3m.
  • She is so happy when she wakes up! Always has a big smile for us when we go to her crib. It makes getting up early pretty easy. 
  • She is rolling around like a champ. I can no longer leave her lying on the floor by herself for a short amount of time - she'll roll off the mat and across the floor in no time! 
  • Sitting up really well for long amounts of time. Can even lift herself to a sitting position from about a 45 degree angle. Still loves to be stood up too, but she's been doing that since around 4 months or so. (Her legs are super strong!)
  • Reaching and playing with both hands. She loves her Sophie and the brightly colored set of rings.  Anything she touches goes straight to her mouth.  
  • She seems to know her name and will look up when you call her (when she wants to!)
  • Starting to make B sounds
  • She is still mostly on breast milk, but usually has at least one formula bottle a day. Five, 5 oz bottles a day. 
    • I'm still pumping a fair amount (morning, night, twice/day at work), and have reached my initial long term goal of 6 months, adjusted. It has really been a challenge to keep at it, especially since we are 'on the go' so much. I don't know how much longer I'll keep at it, but it really has been such a roller coaster and I'm proud of how long I've managed. 
  • We are working to perfect the art of far she's had rice cereal, sweet potatoes, bananas, apples, carrots, butternut squash, peas and mangos. Hated the apples and carrots. Hated. She likes to eat, then suck her thumb to get it down. 
Now, two quick albums to show how much she is growing:

This one has her laying on a sheep for a point of reference.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Big Weekend

We had a jam packed couple of days this past weekend. Keep in mind this was all during Barry's first Wrestlemania - he had work events Thurs-Sun and somehow managed to be out and about with us most of the weekend.

Our first big event was Sloan's first swim class at the local Y.  She is by far the smallest one in the class (but not the youngest), but seemed to enjoy it as much - if not more - than most of the kids. She wasn't an expert splasher, but she was really great at going with the flow. 'Soaking it all in', if you will.

"All right, Sloan. This is what you're going to do..."

learning how to kick


After a quick lunch of milk and delicious rice cereal (during which, she reached for her own spoon!), it was time for G-Day! She was absolutely exhausted from class, but I was able to snap a few pictures before she conked out.

posting this picture so people know I'm trying with the headbands...I really am!


On Sunday we wrapped up the weekend with a trip to the West Village. It is finally sort of warm in New York this weekend, so we took another trip to the play ground. This visit was even more successful than the first!

Finally, if you didn't see the best video of the weekend got its own post. Seriously, I can't watch it enough!

America's Funniest Home Videos

This is too funny and too cute to not get its own post. Sloan and I went to visit my friend Cecilia who has a little dog named Sophie. This was Sloan's first real experience up close and personal to a dog...what comes next is pretty awesome. I cannot stop watching!

Moving About

This post is from the archives, but I wanted to share some recent cuteness. Sloan has really started to come into her own the last couple of months, and is showing lots of personality. She is quite the busy body; always on the move and loves to be active. I'm sure all babies show similar tendencies around this age, but nothing makes her happier than just looking at new things!

One of her favorite new things is her jumper. We picked it up a few weeks ago, and as soon as we started putting it together Sloan knew it was for her. She could not stop staring at it! She was not disappointed when we finally put her in it either...

Thanks for my new toy, Mom & Dad! 

Her feet did not touch then, but they do now!

One last smile for good measure

She is also rolling around like a rock star. Just in the last two weeks, she has become a champion roller. You used to be able to leave her on her play mat, and get a few things done. That is no longer the case! If you plop her on the mat now, she will roll over twice and be across the floor in 15 seconds flat. No idea how she does it...

Finally, a few pictures from her first park adventure. My NICU friends Sam (daughter. Oli) and Suzette (daughter, Lucia) and I went to Union Square play ground a few weeks ago. All three girls took turns on the swings, and Sloan absolutely loved it!