Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Derby Daze

There are a few events we look forward to every year. We've already covered the Big Apple BBQ Festival in this space (and will be covering it again soon!), but one of the other annual shindigs is the Kentucky Derby Party hosted by the Terry's. This year was the 6th annual running of 'Southern girls in big hats' in Manhattan...and as billed, there were a lot of Southern girls in big hats! There were also lots of bow ties, seersucker, and way too much bourbon. A few highlights from the event coming your way...

Bourbon, bourbon and more bourbon. 

Not my drink. :( 

A picture of Barry and I...

...but to get the full effect you need a full body shot. Yeah that's right, he pulled off a shorts suit! 

The crowd

They had a bluegrass band on the back porch. That's our friend Austin with the photo bomb.

...and a nice view of Union Square for good measure. 

Thursday, May 10, 2012


A few weeks ago Barry had finally had enough. He was sick and tired of me complaining about how slow my phone was, so he gave me his old iPhone! (technically this was an anniversary gift, but had nothing to do with Cotton.) The next day I realized just how lucky I was - not just to have an awesome husband that spent a full day setting up my new phone - but to finally have an iPhone!
It was a beautiful 70 degree day and I went for a run in the park with my new gadget. I was able to text, Tweet, FourSquare, email, Instagram and listen to music WITH THE SAME DEVICE. It was absolutely magical!!

So now, lucky reader, you get to see some of my better Instagram photos from my jaunt in the park: