Saturday, September 28, 2013

Friday, September 13, 2013

1 year milestones

At Sloan's one year appointment, her stats were:
Weight: 16.3 lbs (5% - so proud!)
Height: 28.5 inches (21%)
Head: 17.4 inches (27%)

Our little girl is setting records and just tearing up the charts these days! Something else she is tearing up is the floor...she is all. over. the. place. Ever since our trip to California (blog post coming soon), she has really taken to walking - while holding on of course. I got a quick video the other day I wanted to post - it shows her walking with her walker, waving, and then a few crawls. She has the funniest crawl - she uses her left knee, but right foot - she looks like a crab. But, it works!