Saturday, August 3, 2013

Birthday Season

Most of the other Moms I know here in the city I met at the NYU New Mom Class. It was a really special group that our hospital offered - and I can't believe that ADINGRUP hasn't mentioned it until now (to be fair, I talked about a reunion here). I don't know how I would have made it through the first few months without the support of the other new moms. We all had the same questions, granted at various times, but it was a great relief that everything we could possibly be going through - other were experiencing it too. 

Well as you can imagine, since we were all new moms at the same time, our kids are all starting to turn one! Just a few weeks ago, Sloan got to attend her very first birthday party thanks to her friend Lulu! Happy Birthday Lulu!! 

Sloan's ride to the party.

As soon as we got there the kids just wanted to crawl around and explore the new space. In the photo below, Lulu is in the background in the red outfit. Lulu is 50th%, Oli - in the middle - is the 98th %, and Sloan is now in the 2nd %. If you have a one year old, chances are your kid is somewhere between these three. 

 After about an hour, we got tired of chasing the babies around the apartment so we corralled them in Lulu's crib. All of the adults started laughing, so of course the babies thought it was SO AWESOME. Here is Sloan, Oli, and their friend Alexander who is just over 1.


Birthday girl and her parents, Ben and Anna 

Somebody enjoyed their first birthday party! 

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