Monday, October 29, 2012

Grandparenting 101

You know by now that Tony & Vanessa came to visit a few weeks ago, well it was Tom & Ann's turn last weekend. They arrived midday Saturday full of vigor and excitement to spend time with their first granddaughter! We gave them a quick tour of the new additions to our apartment (dirty diaper holder, stashes upon stashes of blankets & burp cloths) and took off for the Big Gay Ice Cream shop. You'll remember this was Sloan's first outing , so she was pretty excited to show the place off. Mimi and Go Daddy loved their ice cream and were really impressed at how hip this little baby already was. After a quick stroll through Thompkin Square Park to see the crazy Halloween parade, Mimi and Go Daddy headed home to babysit while Kerri & Barry went to watch football with friends...

Go Daddy makes a new friend 
K & B came home around 11pm expecting both grandparents and baby to be asleep...but much to our surprise they were all crying! (only kidding, sort of.) Turns out the first bottle was a huge success, but the second bottle was leaky and set off a series of miscues that resulted in a wet baby gown, a too loose swaddle, a screaming child and a burnt potholder (don't ask). In the end, Mimi and GoDaddy decided they got a C in Grandparenting 101, so they'll need to study a bit before 102 starts...

The rest of their trip was a complete success though - full of snuggles and holds.

GoDaddy says he is the "JV Team" of holding
Mimi with the burp

We took a quick stroll through Washington Square Park...

And, finally...this photo was too good to not post. Somebody was pooped - and it wasn't Sloan...


1 comment:

lewiskidz2 said...

That's wonderful that your parents came up for a visit again and got to spend so much precious time with Sloan. I know your Mom was just so thrilled! Thanks for sharing the pics!