Monday, October 15, 2012

2 Month Check In

Today is Sloan's two months mark...Sloan and I (Kerri) celebrated by going to a breastfeeding/new mom's group up at NYU Medical Center. It's a pretty great thing to have - not only is it a great excuse to make yourself get out of the house (I'm being braver about taking her outside), but the camaraderie can't be beat. Today there was a a 6 day old baby there, but outside of that Sloan is still the smallest baby...she's also the prettiest & most awesome, but I digress. 

Some quick 2 month stats from our Dr appointment last week (the % are adjusted for her 32 week gestation):
Head: I think she said 10 cm? (~35th %)
Body: 19 1/4 (50th%)
Weight: 6lbs, 1oz on Wednesday (10th%) and today we were closer to 6lbs, 6oz!

Yeah! I'm 2 months old!
This picture is cute and all...but two quick things to point out about it. First, it only looks like an easy picture to take. She is so small, floppy and upset in the 1 month picture that its not worth posing. And here is tonight's first attempt at taking the 2 month photo: 


And finally, my favorite part of the night. I came into the living room to my two favorite people just like this on the couch:

 I mean, seriously, does it get any cuter?!!?!

1 comment:

lewiskidz2 said...

So much cuteness on that couch! I love the "2" sticker on Sloan, wish they had those when mine were little. Barry looks like he's been left out though, where's his # sticker?!