Monday, September 17, 2012

Special Delivery for the Loudis Family...

OMG! There is a baby in our apartment!! Now what?!!

There were about 12 hours Yesterday where we weren't sure if she would come home today or not. She had a brady yesterday while I was nursing her, and another quick one (3 seconds) this morning during her feed. The Dr's were not concerned since it was during a feed (the most common time because there is so much coordination involved). Her caffeine results came back at a she is now a graduate of the NYU Hospital NICU!!

Ready to go! 
We signed the discharge papers, dressed her in baby clothes and packed up all of Sloan's belongings around 12:30pm today. It was so much harder to say good bye to the nurses than we thought it would be. They have all been so wonderful to us and given our baby girl such excellent (and loving) care. They won't ever read this, but for posterity sake - a big Thank You to Dr Howell and the day nurses Kayla, Margot, Ruth who took our first family photo, Amal who has given hours of advice, and Laura & Leista who discharged us. And to the night nurses, Carolyn, Rowena who showed us how to bathe her, DeAnna who first helped mom bond with her, Ingrid the Physician's Assistant with the cat glasses, and finally Lillian who loved Sloan so much she asked if she could take a picture of her for herself. We'll forever be grateful for the loving care and countless hours of kangaroo time!

After a quick, but emotional good-bye we were off for our first cab ride...then a tour around her new New York City home! It's been quite the journey; the quickest yet tormentingly slow 33 days we've lived through. We've been so blessed throughout all of it, even more so now that our story has a happy ending (though this is really only the beginning!). Thank you to everyone for all the kind words and, most importantly, prayers. We would not have made it through this trying time without our family's & friend's support. Our perfect little angel is home!!!

In my first non-hospital clothes! 

Our last photo in the NICU

Look how little I am! 

Good-bye Tisch Hospital and your long elevator lines

Konked out in the cab


Non Stop Diva said...

Yay! I'm so glad sweet Sloan is home with her fabulous parents.

Here's to hoping you don't feel compelled to respond to a blog comment :)

Anne said...

Yeah!!! I'm so excited to see this post. I've been wondering how it was going. Welcome home, little Sloan.

Can I just add that you had mentioned that it would be great if she could come home 1 week after the baby shower. Apparently, someone heard. She almost nailed it to the day.

Enjoy those sweet & surreal moments with her home now. I'm sure you'll spend all of tonight checking to make sure she's breathing :) At least, that's what I did when B. first came home.

kiley said...

Congratulations to the three of you! Things are only going to get better and better. After almost a full year of motherhood, let me stress how important it is to savor every single coo, sigh, smile, and milestone. They are gone as quickly as they came.
You are both going to be great parents and I'm so excited to watch little Sloan grow up with her BFF David's going to be a blast!

Ann Taylor said...

I'm a little behind on the blog, but this is great news!!! I am so excited that Sloan is finally at home, and I know y'all are glad to have her with you all the time. Good luck with everything! Dan and I will be sending happy thoughts your way!