Thursday, April 26, 2012

Emptying the archives...Easter

A lot to catch up on lately! We've been a bit behind on posting because of our big news but now it's time to return to the norm... Between our big announcement, Easter and a trip down South for two weddings, April was a busy month! First was a nice little Easter celebration at our apartment. I figure if you can't go home to be with your real family for Easter, you might as well make the best of it with your pseudo-family (in our case, our NYC family). We ended up with about 10-12 people up on the roof for a classic Southern meal of ham, green beans, pink cloud (family tradition!), deviled eggs, pimento cheese, etc. A few pictures from our gathering:
Note the pretty floral arrangement on the table from our friend Jen. The first peonies of the season!!
My contribution was a bunny cake for dessert. It was fun to make and if I don't say so myself, looked (and tasted) pretty delicious!

1 comment:

Non Stop Diva said...

The flowers look awesome!