Monday, March 19, 2012

Weekend in Food

Not too many actual adventures this week, but we did manage to whip up a few kitchen concoctions I thought I'd share.
First, like any good Italian-American, Barry considers corned beef & cabbage mandatory on St. Patrick's Day. Since we already had dinner plans, we cooked it overnight and had it for breakfast on Saturday morning. As the saying goes, "Dinner for Breakfast"...wait, what? That's not right...

Corned Beef, Cabbage, and Hashbrowns does a body good...

For dinner, there were a few mandatory qualifications: far, far away from any St. Patrick's Day pub crawl, at least one TV for March Madness, and delicious food. We settled on an East Village hangout called Black Iron Burger. I had the Iron Horse burger with horseradish cheddar and sauteed onions, Barry had something wrapped in bacon (gasp!).

The whole crew. Picture courtesy of Heath's Twitter

Sunday morning was my turn for breakfast. Lately when we've gone back to Atlanta we'll hit up The Original Pancake House where my favorite is the Dutch Baby pancake. I've been wanting one for several weeks now, so I decided to finally make it happen. I found several recipes online, but this one seemed to be the easiest...and also something I could not mess up.

Simple Ingredients! Hopefully foolproof... Not pictured: powdered sugar.

After a quick 20 minutes in the oven, Viola!!


It was absolutely delicious! I recommend only 20 minutes in the oven and at a lower degree than suggested. I found that it was good and brown by then. I even made a lemon glaze with lemon juice & powdered sugar, just like the do at the Original Pancake House.

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