Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Saturday afternoon downtown

Last week Barry and I spent a Saturday 'date day' Downtown. We only planned it the day before and mistakenly overlooked the 35 degree forecast, but nonetheless we had a nice little afternoon.
Our first adventure was an experience called Dialog in the Dark. I read about it on Trip Advisor when researching Hong Kong (we need a vacation) and soon found out it was here in the States too - but only in ATL & NYC! It is basically a 'tour' that is meant to simulate what its like to be blind in New York City. It is done by the same group that does the Bodies Exhibit, which I really enjoyed, so we headed down there to see what it was like to be blind.

Barry ready to go with his guide stick.

Our guide led us through Central Park, a supermarket, Times Square and a subway ride. The entire experience takes place in a few rooms so we were never actually outside. You were still able to experience the frustration of shopping and moving about without sight. I found the supermarket to be the most fascinating...it took us quite a while to find coffee and we found cereal boxes but you had no idea what kind they were. I can also only imagine the things I was touching (Purell please!). If anyone gets a chance to experience Dialogue in the Dark, I highly recommend it. Quite a humbling experience.

After Dialogue, we walked across town to take in the 9/11 Memorial. The lines to get in were very long, but moved quickly. It too was quite the humbling experience. We'd like to go back when it is warmer & more green. I found myself on my tip toes to try to see the bottom of the fountain but to Barry's point "it is created so that you can't see the bottom". We found the names of Ladder 3 which is the NYFD down the street from our apartment. A really great Memorial to those that lost their lives on 9/11 and its nice to see the rebuilding progress around it. New Yorkers really are resilient people...

The North Pool just as they turned the lights on

World Trade Center 1 reaching to the sky.

The Survivor Tree was the only thing to come out of Ground Zero alive...they nurtured it back to health and replanted it in the new Memorial.

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