Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Cowboys & Indians...and Aliens? Part 2

Outside of surfing, eating and of course the premiere itself, our other adventure in San Diego involved animals. Lots and lots of animals. Anyone that has met Heath knows he is a rather poised bloke. Don't get me wrong, he loves his fair share of BBQ, bourbon and belly laughs, but I am constantly amazed at what he finds entertaining. Case in point? He got an absolute kick out of the Shamu Show at Sea World. A 3 ton killer whale that waves on command and helps tell corny jokes, he loved it. He also enjoyed the swords, Jen on the other hand didn't enjoy the swords so much and would rather stick with the turtles. Barry and I liked the penguins.

Saturday's animal adventure was even better - the San Diego Zoo. If you've never been, I highly suggest you go. It is so well done - the environment, the animals, the atmosphere, everything. However, a word to the wise get there when it opens and hit the pandas and polar bears first.

Through our visits to Sea World & the Zoo, there was one animal that eluded us. The famed, Lil' Sebastian.

So, without further ado, possibly the best thing to potentially ever happen to anyone, anywhere, in the history of the universe. I present to you, Lil' Sebastian:

Well Done!

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